Rabu, 30 Januari 2019

Mindsync - Platform for Solving Tasks with AI Technology.

Hasil gambar untuk https://mindsync.ai/docs/whitepaper.pdf/docs/whitepaper.pdf

Today, when people say "Great Financial Revolution", they are definitely referring to criptomoeda technology, blockchain and Bitcoin. These concepts surprise the world with the latest approaches and many benefits.

Because of the growth of electronic money, more and more money is being exchanged for electronics. There are currently more than 200 electronic money. Not surprisingly, more and more companies want to join the growing market and this potential for maximum profits, meeting the needs of electronic money users.

Most of the world of encryption technology, like Bitcoin, depends on the form of the database with the advantage of being able to track large and safe transaction volumes. The technology used by many digital coins is Blockchain.

The Blockchain was first implemented in 2009 and revolved with Blockchain 2.0 in 2014. Blockchain technology consists of blocks that make transactions, where each block is connected through encryption, thus forming a network. And Blockchain also has the potential to be used outside the scope of digital currencies and attracts many traditional financial institutions to be adopted.

About the Project.

Mindsync is a decentralized, community-driven AI platform where everyone can participate in the growing artificial intelligence market as a customer, expert, developer or supplier to order or create and share AI services as value.

The major pain points in the path to utilization of AI tech include :

Lack of enough experts. 
The demand for applied AI experts, data scientists, machine learning and deep learning developers is growing every day.

Complexity in integration and adaptation.
Despite the AI industry development, in pursuit of ready-made AI solutions applicable for solving real business problems, and in other areas, their integration and adaptation are still a complex question.

High demand of computing power, and eventually, costs.
Data science and machine learning tasks are usually resource intensive ones and can be efficiently solved using a large number of CPU and/or GPUs.

Security issues.
AI tech is increasingly being integrated into high-tech consumer products.

Proposed solution.
To address these issues, MindSync is creating a unified platform to :

Establish an active community.
Of experts in the field of AI technologies like machine learning (ML), computer vision (CV), deep learning (DL), natural language processing (NLP) and data science (DS).

Creating the marketplace.
For ready AI solutions (ML-models and datasets). Placing production-ready solutions on the marketplace in enterprise-ready containers.

Exploitation of crypto mining farms.
And exchange of computing power among some participants of the community. This significantly reduces computation cost by threefold in comparison with cloud computing.

Deployment of a blockchain.
Assures security and data integrity. Persistence of ML-models hashes, data, solution quality assessments, solution ratings, and the platform participant metadata are all saved in the embedded blockchain.

Our Vision and Mission.
MindSync is an AIaaS (AI-as-a-Service) and ExaaS (Expert-as-aService) platform. We seek to help solve business problems of customers through AI-based solutions that are created through rewarding competitions within the community or through choosing from a wide range of production-ready solutions in our repository.

We are on a mission to provide better and cheaper AI solutions for a wide range of businesses through a readily available community of experts. While customers will be spoilt for choice at the available talent on the platform, the community members also get a platform to earn rewards, exchange experience and interact with like-minded individuals for personal and professional growth.

Market potential.
Worldwide spending on cognitive and AI systems will reach $24 billion in 2018. According to IDC, AI expenses will grow up to $77.6 billion in 2022 and the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) will be 37.3% in the 2017-2022 forecast period.

Revenues from the artificial intelligence (AI) market worldwide 2016-2025 
Global artificial intelligence market by technology. 
Machine Learning is projected as one of the most lucrative segments.

The product.
On the MindSync platform, customers can ask for the creation of a customized AI-based solution to their business problems, by creating a challenge. This challenge will be visible to all the community members. Interested experts on the platform will register their participation in the challenge after accepting the terms and conditions governing it.

MindSync will allow to host solutions on the platform and make it accessible via API without any deploying. This is dramatically simplify integration of the solution.

Token Model.
Token Name  : MindSync

Blockchain    : Ethereum

Type              : ERC-20

Symbol          : MAI

Token flow & usage. 
MindSync token is designed to access AI solutions and to reward participants such as machine learning developers, experts, volunteers and researchers, computing power and big data providers. MindSync token is a ERC-20 utility token. The number of tokens is limited. MindSync token is set to run on decentralized blockchain technology, ensuring transparency and security of all financial transactions.

Token issuance.
Total possible tokens                    : 1,000,000,000 MAI
Total tokens distributed to public : 500,000,000    MAI

Team tokens are locked in order to ensure our contributors that we have the best intention and maintain a long-term vision for the project. These tokens are secured via smart contract and will be paid out to MindSync team quarterly (July 2019, October 2019, January 2020, April 2020).

MindSync Foundation tokens are also locked and will be used to develop the platform in the future by the community.

Crowdsale Schedule.
Private presale : 01-Oct-18 - 14-Dec-18
Public presale  : 15-Dec-18 - 15-Jan-19
Public sale*     : 01-Mar-19 - 01-Apr-19

MindSync Team :

 Partner :


With the world poised to embrace AI technologies fully, the time is ripe for disruption in the market. MindSync is at the forefront of creating this disruption in the status quo with its intuitive and robust platform that brings the best talent in the field within a single ecosystem. By assuring low costs and enhanced security, it seeks to be the go-to platform for all things AI.

For information, visit the link below :
Bitcoitalk Username : Rifai245

Minggu, 27 Januari 2019

REAL-estate Sales Platform (RSP) Review.

Hello everyone, interesting projects are underway. First of all, for those of you who missed the previous entry, what is RSP?

RSP is the Realestate Sales Platform Using block chain and Useres register the registered information by associating it with the same media. Thus, the problem of registering as separate data can be solved. This is the biggest difference between the database structure used by existing services. The advantage of this method is that if different users register information for the same medium.

The fact is that RSP encourages the real estate market to be balanced. Transitioning to decentralization will be smooth to reduce recognition risks and Protocol integrity will allow both parties to make agreements without intermediaries and third parties, and it will also be possible to use third-party methods if necessary also.

RSP will provide customers with fast transactions, namely RSP eliminates brokers, lawyers, and third party banks, taking over their functions and adding them to their decentralized network.
Under the word "Add their function" it means :
➤ Register.
➤ Documenation.
➤ Payment.


RSP pushes the real-estate market to end up really distributed. The change from a brought together framework to a decentralized one must be smooth to relieve usage dangers. The honesty of the Protocol can enable two gatherings to make an arrangement without the intermediation of an outsider, or to utilize an outsider when essential.

Faster Transactions.
RSP Protocol takes out outsider merchants, legal counselors and banks by adding them to the system or accepting their capacities, for example, postings, archive stream and installments. Standard enrollment of the title of deeds with legally approved archives could take up to 60 days. A RSP exchange can take under 10 minutes.

Lower Costs.
RSP can possibly significantly decrease exchange expenses by disposing of outsider mediators and overhead expenses for trading resources (up to 30% of property cost). The RSP exchanging expense is 2% (a decrease of up to 15-overlay contrasted with a customary real-estate exchange), which can be additionally diminished as the system develops.

Blocking False Sale.
On the off chance that a real-state operator purposely enters data that is not quite the same as actualities or data to pull in clients or registers a non-existent draw deal, the deal is a false deal. The shared observing framework can be set up between clients who oversee data by associating with one another.

Proprietorship and exchange information is available to all companions on the system. It is put away in the conveyed web and hashes are recorded to the blockchain. The appropriated agreement is accomplished by means of a proof-of-stake calculation: purchasers and venders are engaged with control of their data and have more trust in directing exchanges.

Final Thoughts.
With everything taken into account, blockchain-centered tasks establish a minority of organizations occupied with their separate zone, and real-estate is no special case. While the rundown above is not really comprehensive, despite everything it represents the bearing the business is probably going to take later on.

Tokenization and blockchainization of various ventures, from back and e-sports to co-ordinations and real-estate, is apparently the new trend for organizations over the globe. Up until now, most ventures have just been trying things out to ensure the development really works and satisfies its underlying guarantee. Later on, in any case, almost certainly, the organizations that decline to acquaint blockchain with their activities will be a minority and experience the ill effects of aggressive hindrances.

Issuance and Allocation of Tokens.
issuance and allocation policies are as follows:

Issuing platform : Contents RSP
Platform : ERC20
Total Distribution : 1 billion RSP

Token Usage Plan
Team : The tokens assigned to the team
IEO : Presale in the form of Initial Exchange Offering
Token sale : private sales
Community Organization : Airdrop, event, etc.

Use of Founds

Use of Funds policies are as follows :

Operation cost : Commercial expenses on the exchange, legal, accounting consulting costs, etc.

Building Alliance : partnerships, etc.

Platform Development


Team and Advisors.
For more infomation :

Bitcointalk Username : Rifai245
Bitcointalk Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2507650

Kamis, 24 Januari 2019

Artcoin.ai ICO Review.

The art world is traditionally anything but transparent, and that’s where ArtCoin, an investor-driven collective, creates real change for investors. Guiding users through transactions using cryptocurrencies, ArtCoin enables investors to benefit from the increased security and transparency of the Smart Contracts platforms.

By pulling together information that everyday investors normally can’t access, ArtCoin democratizes the art market and acts as a direct liaison between investors and the art industry.

Artcoin Fund is AN capitalist driven collective. If you wish to hitch U.S.A. and our intent, browse the WhitePaper of ArtCoin Fund so buy the pre-ICO launch. Second, can|there’ll} be a chat by Fabrizio Marcolini from ArtCoin World Health Organization will talk about the ArtCoin Fund, whose aim is to democratize investment within the art world.

ArtCoin helps investors to store worth in collectible assets. ArtCoin Fund details are updated as presently as we tend to get all the knowledge from the project. fifty one of this currency is obtainable pre-and throughout the ICO; nineteen is employed by the fund to shop for works of art and so to introduce ArtCoin as a replacement currencybenchmark for exchange within the art world.

Hasil gambar untuk https://www.artcoin.ai/mt-content/uploads/2018/11/whitepaper_oct.pdf

Robust Software Authenticates Images.
Each artwork has a unique digital fingerprint, and by scanning and matching the finest textural details and storing it on the blockchain, our software effectively renders the artwork unforgeable thanks to its unprecedented ability to pinpoint fakes, no matter how sophisticated.

Changing The Art Industry With Our Solutions.
ArtCoin has implications that will reach all corners of the art industry. From individual collectors to large institutions, our authentication protocol is the perfect fit. Condition reports are simple and faster than ever before, and works can be tracked and traced with ease, functionalities that insurers and logistics companies can depend on. And individual artists are finally able to benefit financially from resales of their art.

A Platform That Supports Cataloguing and Transactions Via Blockchain.
With our technology, the art industry is more transparent than ever. Our platform, based on blockchain, is built on tamper-proof profiles of artworks cataloguing their provenance, history, and digital fingerprints. Top-level security standards are guaranteed, thanks to smart contracts and decentralization.

Business Model.
Presently, a lot of billions of dollars are been invested at risk because art is unable to be verified for originality whenever someone sells or buys art. An additional verification will also be done which costs a lot of money and time.

These fees shall be paid for transacting, securing, and verifying fine art on the Artchain platform. The token will also be supported by timeless pieces of art which can only be transacted in Artcoin. Thus, a Collateralized Coin Offering is also part of our package, as our coins will be supported by invaluable art pieces. Business model The following are the areas in which there is no effective digital solution: 

Image Authentication.
Image authentication cannot be done automatically but manually because, it is prone to human error, costly and time-consuming.

The central to image authentication and valuation are the records of history and provenance, but these are often easily forgeable, incomplete and not stored securely. Business model

Condition Reporting. 
Due to the fact that the condition that are always reported are expensive and cumbersome be it human effort or large scanners. This make owners to often forego these, even though this is central for imagevaluation and insurance purposes (e.g. in the context of transactions/transportation).

 Those responsible for damages to an image is nearly impossible to identify (e.g. in the context of gallery loans: whether damage happened during transportation or exhibition). 

There is no standard recording (and secure storing) of restoration activities along with an artwork’s other vital stats, i.e. history, provenance, and condition reports. 

Logistics & Transportation.
Transports are usually underinsured because of the fact that there is currently no track & trace solution. 

Intellectual Property Rights. 
Artists are not able to gain royalties from the re-sales of their works due to the in transparency around image transactions. 

Collection Management. 
The absence of an effective digital solution means that there is an abundant managing of large collections - from individual documentation/condition reporting to coordination of restoration works – which takes a great deal of effort and time.

User Roles & Associated Services.
Creator/rights holde :
The creator/rights holder is stored as a distinct user of the ARTCHAIN system with a unique ID (User ID) type.
The creator/rights holder is able to register the item, record its fingerprint, and to submit this to the ARTCHAIN system along with all relevant images to generate the artwork’s “biometric passport,” i.e. the artwork’s proof of life. 
Owner :
An owner is stored as a distinct user of the ARTCHAIN system with a unique ID (User ID) type. 
An artwork is associated with an owner (User ID) once it is bought from a creator or another owner (pri- vate or institutional) and the transaction is confirmed through the ARTCHAIN app. 

Owners are able to generate an artwork’s initial fingerprint/biometric passport.

Stage 1
Tokens go on sale at $0.01, 
by invitation only
Sale lasts until March-15-2019
Only initial investors who are in close
contact with ArtChain can purchase Stage 1 tokens.
These investors have a deep involvement
in the project and their valued feedback has 
helped to shape our work. 
The invitation to the initial offering of tokens at 
the lowest possible price is a reward in gratitude 
for their contributions. 

Stage 2
Tokens go on sale for $0.03
Starts in April-2019
This is the lowest possible price for investors who were not part of the invitation-only Stage 1 offer. They’ll receive the highest return for their investment, and it’s the ideal time to make large-quantity purchases. 

Stage 3
PRE-ICO EARLY BIRD Begins in May-2019
Tokens go on sale for $0.05
A great middle ground for those investors who preferred to ensure the ICO was a success, but don’t want to wait for the public sale as they wish to capitalize on higher bonuses.

Stage 4
ICO – Tokens go on sale for $0.10
Starts in Sept-2019
The general public gets access to tokens during this most published sale. Support is growing, development is racing ahead, and we’re ready for a large investor influx. The ArtChain app is rolled out, with the first works of art being recorded on the blockchain.
Tokens will be listed on cryptocurrency exchanges following the ICO.

Stage 5



Token Information.
Token Name : ARTCOIN

Token Symbol : ARS

Token Standard : ERC20

Jurisdiction : Zurich

Legal Qualification : Utility Token

Softcap : 5,000,000 USD

Hardcap : 100,000,000 USD

Number of  Tokens : 30,000,000,000

Price Per Token : $ 0,01

Burn Unsold Token : Yes

Accepted Currency : ETH, USD, & BTC

Minimum Contribution : $10,000 Private, $250 Public 

For further info, please visit link :
Situs web: https://artcoin.ai/ Whitepaper: https://artcoin.ai/mt-content/uploads/2018/11/whitepaper_oct.pdf Telegram: https://t.me/artcoinai Facebook: https: // web. facebook.com/artchain.ai20 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Artcoinreal Medium: https://medium.com/@artchainai

Bitcointalk Username : Rifai245

Bitcointalk Profile Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2507650

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